Hello Beautiful Goddess Soul!
In my journey to connecting to my higher self, I know and understand the importance of owning who I am, past present and future. All that we have been through in the past effects who we are now and who we are blossoming into.
Past decisions and experience shape who we are and how we operate in this world. It is our job to take ownership from these experiences and decision, and do the work to heal yourself in order to level-up into your highest, most aware, connected, successful Goddess Soul.
Download your FREE Goddess Soul Healing Guided Journal Below
Hello Beauty, My name is Coach Kael
A lot of shit shifted in my life when I decided to work on me, heal my past, understand fully who I am, and what/who/how i want to serve in this life on earth. ⠀
I was lost for a super long time, left feeling like the victim of my circumstance. ⠀
I was incredibly broken on the inside which hindered me from making the most out of my life. This brokenness manifested itself in so many different ways from my relationships, my friendships, my self-worth and self esteem, to my career path, and it certainly effected my overall outlook on life and the decisions I made.⠀
I always desired more, and definitely something different from what I was conditioned to.⠀
One of the biggest areas of my life that constantly showed me something needed serious attention was the people who surrounded me. I continued to manifest toxic people. ⠀⠀
❌ Toxic Romantic Relationships ⠀
❌ Toxic Friendships ⠀
❌ Toxic "Opportunities"⠀
❌ Filled with toxic communication styles⠀
❌ Ultimately leaving me hopeless searching for my "way out"⠀⠀
This "way out" mindset led me to make several decisions that I would later regret (or sometimes immediately regret).....and would sometimes even lead me to feeling shameful. Which is a feeling I held onto for sooooooooo many years.⠀⠀
This shame a regret made me disgusted with myself and continued to perpetuate this negative cycle. ⠀
Looking back on where I was just 4 years ago, and to the woman I am evolving Into, is night and day different. ⠀
My journey through all of this was sometimes extremely painful but oh so worth every moment, simply because of the clarity, direction and evolutionary wholeness I now feel. ⠀
I always knew I had these experiences for a very specific reason and I am humbled that I get to help light the way in guidance for other woman looking to rise up into their higher self, through Activating Your Goddess Soul.