Ep. 121 - The Hard Lessons I Learned While Developing the Kollective Conscious Certifications

I have to be honest with you. 

The process of writing and publishing the Kollective Conscious Certification Academy was not easy at all. In fact, I wanted to give up so many times. 

I cried many times from feeling so frustrated and burnt out. 

I resisted writing because I was so tired from feeling consumed with the content. 

I sacrificed A LOT to get here!

But I will say, that even through all the frustration, all the tears, and the stubborn resistance…I still stuck to this process because I knew deep down that I was being called to share this work for a reason much bigger than myself. 

In fact, when this ‘calling’ was first put on my heart, I kept saying NOPE…NOT ME!!!

But the calling kept getting louder, the pull toward sharing this work became stronger with each day that passed. So I finally gave in, but I didn’t take any action for the first 6 months. 

The ‘calling’ first came in June 2020, and I didn’t start the writing process until January 2021. 

But once I started writing, I knew I had to put a pretty firm deadline, or else it would never get finished. 

You see…

Habitually in the past, I have either been a procrastinator or someone who eagerly works on things, but only leaves them about 90%  complete and then I move on to the next thing. Shiny object syndrome much?!??

So I knew that if I was actually going to step into this calling, I had to approach this a whole lot differently than I have ever done anything before. 

So I set deadlines and structured a somewhat realistic timeline of when I wanted this to be complete. And in a year's time, I had written 8 different textbooks/modalities. 

That year was challenging and difficult. 

But I learned so much.

Join me in this next episode where I share my process of this journey, plus some of my biggest take-aways.

Also check out the new site!
