Ep. 89 - WTF is EFT - Emotional Freedom Tapping
Ep. 88 - Creating the Energetic Space to Call in The One - Interview with Emryald Sinclaire
Ep. 87 - 4 Steps to Emotional Self-Regulation
#86 - Food is a Spiritual Experience - interview with Marie Young
#85 - The Truth Behind Healing from Trauma
#84 - Anything for Love - with Katie Grimes
#83 - Emotional Intelligence + Emotional Freedom
#82 - Knowing When to Give Up - Interview with Jess M.
#80 - Optimizing Your Health + wellness in 2021 - Interview with Greg Jones
#79 - Tapping into the Human Energy Field
#78 - Get Your Sh!t Together with Brittany Caffo
#77 - How to know what's keeping you stuck with Manifestation
#75 - Achieving Your Health Goals in 2021 - with Emily Kloss
#74 - Connecting with Your Most Authentic + Most Aligned Self
#72 - Mindset Alignment in Manifestation
#70 - Goal Setting + Playing in the Quantum Field