Hey There,
I'm Kael Roberts.
Master Mindset Coach & Business Strategist Coach
I started my career as a Coach back in 2011, where I became a certified NSCA Personal Trainer. I began working one on one with clients, helping them transform their lives through weight loss transformations. I realized quickly that those clients who had a good handle over their mindset, their emotions, and those who could adapt quickly to change, were the ones who became more successful at achieving their desired results rapidly. With this realization, it sparked my fascination with the mind and how powerful of a tool it actually is, but although it is extremely powerful, it can get in the way of the life we ultimately desire.
After enduring the most challenging year of my life, I was inspired to write and publish my first book, The Power of 1 Positive Thought, which allowed me to share my story of growth from depression, lack of trust in others, and overcoming my limiting-beliefs to achieve massive success in my life and in my business. Overcoming by greatest trials have not only given me a new perspective on life, but has made me super passionate about being the light for others.
I have since received certifications is Success & Life Coaching, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and have become a licensed Neuro Linguistics Programing (NLP) Practitioner. Achieving these certifications and licenses has allowed me to make a greater impact on the lives of others in a powerful and positive way. In 2018, I helped over a dozen clients find clarity, learn to relax, heal from past trauma, manage unwanted or negative emotions, discover their unique purpose, break past limiting beliefs, gain more patience and life-balance, establish a sense of self-motivation, and continue to realize that they are 100% able to create the life they have always desired.
I am passionate about helping you achieve more success within you life. And I can't wait to be apart of this journey with you!
Anything you put your mind to, is completely possible for your life. It is my passion to help you get past mental blocks, to unlock your deepest desires, and achieve more in your life.
Apply to work with Coach Kael…
What Kael’s Clients Are Saying….
Kael has been an inspiration to me for many years, starting when she used to coach at the convention center on Wednesday’s. She kept me motivated with her high vibrant energy and the willingness to take time from her schedule to help others achieve their goals. When I found out she was a business coach I quickly knew she would be the guided vessel I needed to start up my other business. She motivated me, gave me insights to improve and encouraged me to change my perspective on how I was operating my current business. She was more then patient and understanding with the start up one, where she walked me through new marketing strategies and enlightened my personal growth. I relearned how to balance work, mom-life, and self Love. I appreciate and admire her dedication to her clients success, It’s amazing! if you’re ready to level up, start that business you’ve been dreaming about or want to restart and modify your current business She’s the perfect coach for the job!
L. Carter
Who is the course for?
People who:
Want to find a powerful purpose and direction in their life
Want to cultivate passion in their lives
Want deeper and more meaningful relationships
Feel lost or disconnected from the world and people that surround them
Are ready for change and seeking the next level of excellence in their journey of life
Are willing to do the deep work and invest the time necessary to receive tangible results