2022 Manifestation Workshop

2022 Manifestation Workshop


Planning for Success Online Workshop

Money. Mindset. Strategy. Success.

Get instant access to the full 3 day workshop!

Day 1: Vision of Success + Defining Your Goal

Define your goals + desired outcomes with clarity. Then get coached on how to “chunk-down” your bigger goals into realistic actionable steps.

“Success Mapping” for your goals!

  • Guided Journaling Exercise

  • Visualization Exercise

  • Mapping out your plan of action!

Day 2: Mindset + Embodiment

Mindset and Embodiment to become aligned with your 2022 goals…

Here we talk about the energy of emotion and the power of the subconscious mind. Be guided through energetic embodiment to become a magnet of attraction for all that you desire.

  • Guided Journaling + Reflection Exercises

  • Guided Visualization Exercise

  • Guided ‘Higher-Self’ Meditation

  • Clear old beliefs & misaligned energy - become more aligned with your goals on an energetic level

Day 3: Strategy Planning for Success

Now that you have clearly defined your goals, have determined a “map to success”, then fully embodied the energetic match to receive….

It’s time to create a sustainable strategy to plan for all the success in 2022.

I'm Ready to Manifest More!