Reach Higher Success in Your Life through

Becoming the Master of Your Mindset

There are so many different reasons why becoming a master of your mindset will be one of the most important thing that you do in your life.

Why you ask?

Because people who choose to become a master of their mind, are typically the same people who become the most successful in reaching their goals, who excel in their careers, and are able to make long-lasting and deeper relationships. By becoming a master of your mindset, you will learn to release negative thoughts that sabotage progress and outcomes, and begin to harness the power of positive thinking, especially in the most challenging situations.

Through becoming a master of your mind, you may start though healing from past trauma and pain, and learn to forgive; not only those whom may have harmed you in your past, but also yourself. You may need to do the inner work of self-forgiveness if you suffer from depression, anxiety, anger, resentment, or trouble trusting people.

Through practices of self-discovery, you will learn to relax the mind through:

About Coach Kael


Hi there!

I am Coach Kael Roberts, Mindset Expert and Coach.

I discovered my truth when I decided to forgive myself from the things of my past that I was harboring, therefore, hindering me from fully valuing my self-worth, and moving forward at accomplish my life’s purpose and my heart’s desires.

For over 10 years, I suffered from depression that I battled in silence. My depression would come and go in waves, and prior to my journey of Mindset Mastery, I would dip in an out of depression on a regular basis, where I would mentally beat myself up, distance myself from making meaningful connections, and continue to make choices that ultimately did not fully honor myself. For over 10 years, I felt unworthy of truly receiving the love and the I deserved.

I made choices that did not fully show love and appreciation to myself, but I didn’t know how to change this. I wouldn’t say that any life changing event happened to get me to wake but, but one day, I finally realized that I held the power to uplift myself out of my depressive state and, instead, prosper. If I just chose to be happy, than happiness was what I could have….if that’s what I truly desired.

At this time in my life, I was living in an abandoned house (essentially homeless), I recently quit my job, broke ties with people I thought I would be friends with for life, and was struggling to forgive myself for decisions that I deeply regretted. All of these negative feeling surrounded me from; sadness, to anger, regret, resentment, disappointment, and exhaustion, because I was just so tired from feeling the weight of all of these extremely negative emotions. Day in, and day out, I woke up with the biggest burden of these emotions sitting at the surface of who I was.

At any moment, I could have broken out in tears. And quite regularly, I did.

Not only did I feel like I was a complete failure by my own expectations, but I knew I wasn’t living up to my fullest potential. But I didn’t even know what that really was!

After finally having the realization that I can determine my happiness, I decided that I needed to take daily actions and participate in activities that would boost my overall happiness. I began to recite my Daily Empowering Affirmation of Greatness and started a Relaxing Visualizing Meditation routine. Through the combine practice of my Empowering Daily Affirmation coupled with my Relaxing Visualizing Meditations, I was able to find peace and empowerment within myself.

Everyday, I would start my day off right, through speaking positivity, empowerment and affirmations of greatness to encourage me through my not so desirable circumstance. Then, I would end each day with a relaxing meditation which allowed me to release all the stress from that day, allowing it to float away as I visualized all the abundance of my life completely surrounding me. It seemed as if it only took a matter of days for my mood to completely change, which allowed me to be more open to the already present abundance and blessings of my life. Because I was now vibrating at a higher frequency of love, gratitude, peace and abundance, I was able to make more clear decisions based on my higher level of consciousness.

Over the next couple of months, I got more and more clear with what I wanted out of my life. I continued to practice my daily affirmations and meditations, but I also began journaling and reading more regularly. The journaling exercises allowed for even more clarity in the direction in which I wanted to go. Through many of my journaling practice, I was able to Discover What I Truly Want in Life and Continue to Move to My Higher Path in Life. If you would like to check out all of the journaling activities that I do on a weekly basis, scroll through the ‘Featured’ list below and find some of the areas you may need more clarity or encouragement in.

Today, I am proud to say that I have managed to overcome my waves of depression, through the positive and healthy practices that I choose to participate in regularly. Through the journaling activities, I discovered that my life’s work is helping to coach others to find their greatness from within to do, be and have more than they ever thought possible with their lives.  

Many of my clients are small business owners or entrepreneurs, who have the desire for more freedom, both financially and physically. With the assistance of my coaching, I help my clients refine their business strategy, monetize their business online, implement tools that can help them achieve success faster, and set in place systems and strategies that have proven to help increase sales. 

I am passionate about helping you achieve more success within you life. And I can't wait to be apart of this journey with you!

Anything you put your mind to, is completely possible for your life. It is my passion to help you get past mental blocks, to unlock your deepest desires, and achieve more in your life.


I came to Coach Kael because I knew I needed help. I initially thought it was just my unhealthy habits leading to weight gain, but she quickly spotted some really bad habits that were self-sabotage. I worked with Coach Kael over a 9 month period where she helped me break past my limiting beliefs, change my morning routine, get more healthy and she even helped me get the confidence I needed to pursue my career and a musician and vocalist. I think it's pretty cool that Coach Kael knows business stuff too because once we got past all my unhealthy habits and limiting beliefs, I was so focused on starting and growing my career. Coach Kael is so smart and I am happy that I decided to make this decision for me! Thank you Coach Kael!

Lina C.


Kael has been an inspiration to me for many years, starting when she used to coach at the convention center on Wednesday’s. She kept me motivated with her high vibrant energy and the willingness to take time from her schedule to help others achieve their goals. When I found out she was a business coach I quickly knew she would be the guided vessel I needed to start up my other business. She motivated me, gave me insights to improve and encouraged me to change my perspective on how I was operating my current business. She was more then patient and understanding with the start up one, where she walked me through new marketing strategies and enlightened my personal growth. I relearned how to balance work, mom-life, and self Love. I appreciate and admire her dedication to her clients success, It’s amazing! if you’re ready to level up, start that business you’ve been dreaming about or want to restart and modify your current business She’s the perfect coach for the job! 

L. Carter

Breakdown of Mindset Mastery Coaching

You may be wondering how the mindset mastery coaching works. Well there are a some options options.

You can be apart of a small group.

The Level Up Academy is the small group of people Coach Kael is passionate about helping. In this small group coaching setting, you will have the support of other like-minded individuals who are looking to make significant transformations in their life. This is an 8 week coaching program. Each week has a different specific focus, with related meditations, affirmations, empowering questions and journaling exercises. Downloadable meditations and affirmations are available each week of the course, as well as a downloadable workbook that will assist you in your journaling activities, as well as other amazing freebies, like access to a library of hypnosis meditations, and other workbook downloads that will further help you with your overall growth and transformation.

Or you can work with Coach Kael one-on-one.

Everything included above, just a more tailored approach to your needs.

If you have specific struggles or challenges that you would like to work on overcoming more rapidly, 1:1 coaching sounds like it’s the right thing for you. Click the button below to find out more about 1:1 coaching and to apply to work with Coach Kael.